Sunday, January 13, 2013

Winter Snowflakes - Decorating Sugar Cookies

Since I've been trying to get into baking decorating more than eating, my mum gave me a cookie mix and icing 'kit' for Christmas! It's vanilla sugar cookies, which are easy and simple for beginning decorators.

It even came with its own cookie cutter!
The recipe was extremely simple: the mix, 1 egg, and 1 stick of butter. Not super healthy, but definitely super easy!

My brother helped me in the kitchen and together we rolled the dough out after mixing. The thickness of the dough was deliberated before we got started with the cookie cutter, but we settled on medium thin.

We were able to fit about six cookies per baking sheet (making 3 sheets and 18 cookies). The thickness ended up being slightly too thin and the cookies burned barely on the edges. However, the bottoms were perfectly done and the cookies were ready to be decorated. My brother was allotted about six cookies, while I did the rest.

First batch - ready to enjoy!
After decorating, I shared with my brother and family. They were definitely some of the best sugar cookies I had ever had and definitely one of my best decorating jobs, if I do say so myself!

Tune in next weekend when Natalie and I put together two of the world's favorite cookies! Can you guess which ones we picked?

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