Thursday, January 31, 2013

Our Poll-Winning Cookie!!

            The votes are in! Our readers' favorite cookie is Chocolate Chip, with Oatmeal in a close second!
            Stay tuned this weekend for a special post with an extra-special Chocolate Chip cookie recipe!

            Also, stay sharp for our next poll: Where do you get your recipes?
            See you this weekend with delicious Chocolate Chip cookies!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Vanilla Cupcakes: Gluten-Free Even!

This weekend, I wanted cupcakes. My mom wanted frosting and cupcakes. However, she eats gluten-free (allergies!). But, that is no match for a girl with a serious CC (Cupcake Craving)! So, I made gluten-free vanilla cupcakes! This specific mix brand, Wholesome Chow, features hardly any extra ingredients - milk, apple cider vinegar, and oil are the only ingredients you have to add.
Look how easy this looks!
The recipe itself is easy enough to carry through; add the wet ingredients to the mix and whisk until it becomes batter. The batter is fairly thin, making it really easy to pour!
Thin, fluffy batter!
Once poured into the cupcake pan, they bake at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes. The package said 18 - 23 minutes, but 18 turned out to be perfect for me. The batter makes about 12 cupcakes that don't rise very much. However, they do turn out to be a beautiful golden-brown!
Golden-Brown Gorgeousness!
For the decorating, I used Betty Crocker  butter cream frosting. No, I didn't make my own frosting. Yes, I'm okay with that. Also, for Christmas, I got this cupcake decorating kit and, trust me, that makes a lot of difference!
The Decorating Kit Saves The Day!
For my cupcakes, I used the star tip because it produces less frosting at once. I prefer a larger cupcake-to-frosting ratio. However, the frosting covered the cupcakes well with about half of the frosting package. After the frosting, I deliberated over what to sprinkle the cupcakes with, since I used green liners. Eventually, I settled on rainbow dots. I think the result was rather nice:
Frosted and Sprinkled!
The recipe was good and the result even better! My mom loved them and so did I! 

Tune in next weekend, when the poll-winning cookies are made spectacular! Which cookie do you think will win our poll as your favorite cookie??

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Banana Bread: From Scratch!

Surprise! Another post this week from Natalie's kitchen at home since school still hasn't started. What to do with myself in some house that contains bananas and some baking stuff? I decided, while running on leftover tacos and a Flu vaccine, to bake banana bread from scratch! How adventurous! 

This recipe is a classic and it's always pretty fun to do, and usually ends up tasting amazing. Well, it calls for a Midwestern amount of refined sugar, and alas, all I had was a bit of Turbinado from Trader Joe's. A bit. So I used what I had, but what to do about the three thirds of a cup of missing sweetness? Health-nut soccer moms replace sugar with applesauce all the time when baking, right? Okay, cool. Me too.

Look, I'm a NorCal chef!
The next step was to cream the sugar together with an entire stick of butter (I lied about Paula Deen), but the difference in ingredients made it a little strange. I whipped the mixture for many minutes until I received a bowl of tiny, confetti-esque butter particles held together by applesauce. This, obviously, meant I should be completely confident! So I continued to whip up two more bowls of dry (flour, salt, etc) and wet (bananas, eggs, etc) ingredients. So much fun!

Three is a crowd ;)

It only took me six years a bit of effort to mix ALL of these ingredients into the same red bowl. Especially since I was a bit distracted, trying to watch Breaking Bad and then Arrested  Development at the same time. Which was a HUGE mistake, these shows should NEVER be watched while cooking, or doing anything else, as they deserve your FULL attention and respect. Always. Digression! Look how cute my healthy banana bread looks in its pan. It's about to get so baked.

Can has entire hour of baking time? I'm worth it.
This method turned out to be yummy in a health-foody, protein bar kind of way, but I honestly love diabetes. Next time, I'm using an entire cup and a half of unhealthy refined sugar because it's 110% worth it. And, use mushy brown bananas, it too makes all the difference in the world. Yeah yeah yeah, okay, you want the recipe, I know you're eager! 

Bowl 1: entire butter stick, and 1.5 cups of white sugar. You will love every single bite.

Bowl 2: 1.5 cups of flour, teaspoon of baking soda, dash of salt.

Bowl 3:  Three smashed ugly brown bananas, two eggs, unicorn poop, splash of vanilla extract.

Mix all bowls individually first, then combine the contents of ALL bowls into Bowl 2, or your dry ingredients bowl. Mix again till all of the lumps are gone, throw it in a greased loaf pan and bake it in the oven for an hour at 350 degrees. Here's an idea for you to try: do this exact thing, except make it into muffins! Yay muffins!

Cute, right?
See you next time I create something, and it will (most likely) be actually from my dorm in San Francisco. So long and good luck!

Tell me it's pretty!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Taco Monday!

Last night at 2 in the morning, in my Cookieception stupor, I had a taco epiphany.  In other words, a craving for the delicious and obnoxiously huge taco feast my father and I used to build frequently, back in the day when I was a chubby little child and we actually had time to cook during the week. Although that time is sparse now, I'm on winter break. So after I proceeded to text my dad in the middle of the night from Kajsa's futon, he replied with a glorious "YEEEEESSSS!!!!!!," so nevertheless, IT WAS ON.

With cumin, garlic, paprika, some package of taco seasoning, and whatever is in your cabinet that goes with tacos!
It all began with simmering some ground turkey taco meat on the stove, combined with chiles, tomatoes, and authentic seasonings. This concoction works as the provider of Delicious Taco Scent (DTS), which floats about the house for days. It's one of my family's traditions; at least I think we have those.
There's even a cute little jar of paella spices!
Anyway, this next part is the one food item in our feast I always feel I could rave about forever: the guacamole. Seriously, it's SO good, I can't even begin to describe it other than asking you to picture the BEST guacamole you've EVER had and... yeah it's probably as good as that, or a little better. The secret is simplicity; all you need are a few avocados, salsa, something creamy, hot sauce, and spices. And the other secret is garlic. Tons of garlic, I've put in like an entire handful, and it's like the birth of god in your mouth. The recipe is flexible and open to improvisation, as I've discovered over years of being out of sour cream and having plenty of yogurt and ranch dressing on hand. No matter what I use, it always tastes the same! As long as you use common sense though, I mean come on, just don't be weird.

As typical, we ended up with enough White people Mexican food to feed Tanzania. Equipped with soft tortillas, ridiculously wide hard taco shells, and lettuce for taco salads, the possibilities were endless! I'm so making a quesadilla tomorrow with leftover garlic & butter shrimp. Don't worry, most of that in the pan is actually water, we don't live with Paula Deen.

We ate like kings! WE ARE KINGS

There wasn't enough food, so we just made an entire other pot of chicken, using the same spices and flavorings as the ground turkey, which was twice as delicious. Just a little package of chicken from Safeway, but I was IMPRESSED. Safeway has some talented chicken makers or something, it was GOOD. Maybe I'll eat that in my quesadilla instead? Nope. Both. And saffron rice. We needed saffron rice. Because who doesn't?

I never got pictures of the tacos on the table themselves because I was busy eating and eating. I first devoured a mini turkey burrito with a little shrimp and plenty of guacamole, because that stuff is amazing, then almost got through a chicken taco but it fell everywhere. How people properly consume crispy tacos is beyond me. My brother made a bean burrito, my mother made a dainty salad, and my father built Taco Mountain.

The feast was a success, and now I'm going to eat tacos until I go back to school next week. Until next baking time!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pinterest-Inspired Cookie Experiment: Cookie-Ception!

This weekend, Natalie and I  had a rare get-together to bake cookies inspired by Pinterest. There have been several Pinterest 'pins' about this so-called "Cookie-Ception". Long story short, the Kitchenettes just had to try it for themselves!

The basics of "Cookie-Ception" are two layers of chocolate chip cookie encasing an Oreo cookie. Maybe a little far-fetched? Not enough to dissuade the College Kitchenettes!
Pre-formed cookie dough and Milk's Favorite Cookie!
We brought together Oreo cookies and Trader Joe's Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookie dough. The beauty of using this Trader Joe's product is that it's pre-formed, which saves time and energy in many ways.

We tried a couple of different ways of encasing the Oreo, starting with simply two rolls of dough above and below the Oreo, and then baking for about 16 minutes. This generally worked with the first batch, which consisted of six cookie-ceptions.
We sliced the pre-formed rolls in half and sandwiched the Oreo!
This form sort of worked, but the effect was messy. So, we channeled our younger Play-Doh days and molded the dough around the Oreo before putting the second batch in the oven. This form worked much better and looked much nicer.
Beautiful results!
The results were absolutely incredible! The Oreo had softened from the chocolate chips, creating a wonderful cookie blend. Together the two cookies had almost a hazelnut taste, similar to Nutella! We were amazed with how amazing they taste and how well the cookies baked!
Natalie - In Cookie-Ception Heaven!
While you may think it would be hard to get enough of these cookies, two were actually plenty filling! After 1 1/2 cookies and a glass of milk each, Natalie and I were full! That was a definite advantage to an otherwise indulgent dessert!

Next weekend, I'm on my own to bake some special vanilla cupcakes and try my hand at decorating them!
Can you guess what makes these cupcakes so special?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Winter Snowflakes - Decorating Sugar Cookies

Since I've been trying to get into baking decorating more than eating, my mum gave me a cookie mix and icing 'kit' for Christmas! It's vanilla sugar cookies, which are easy and simple for beginning decorators.

It even came with its own cookie cutter!
The recipe was extremely simple: the mix, 1 egg, and 1 stick of butter. Not super healthy, but definitely super easy!

My brother helped me in the kitchen and together we rolled the dough out after mixing. The thickness of the dough was deliberated before we got started with the cookie cutter, but we settled on medium thin.

We were able to fit about six cookies per baking sheet (making 3 sheets and 18 cookies). The thickness ended up being slightly too thin and the cookies burned barely on the edges. However, the bottoms were perfectly done and the cookies were ready to be decorated. My brother was allotted about six cookies, while I did the rest.

First batch - ready to enjoy!
After decorating, I shared with my brother and family. They were definitely some of the best sugar cookies I had ever had and definitely one of my best decorating jobs, if I do say so myself!

Tune in next weekend when Natalie and I put together two of the world's favorite cookies! Can you guess which ones we picked?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Welcome to Our Kitchen!

Hi there! We are the College Kitchenettes! Our team consists of Kajsa, a student in community college, and Natalie, a college student in San Francisco.

We cook and bake. We love what we do. We decided to share our love with all of you!

I (Kajsa) will be posting mainly on weekends and mainly on glorious 'comfort' food, like cookies or cupcakes. Natalie will be posting during the week on anything she happens to be making in her dorm's kitchen, like her banana bread or "anything-goes" eggs.

Much of what we make and post about will be experimental. Some of our posts will be inspired by Pinterest and other social media. Others will be traditional, and yet others will be completely wacky.

We hope you enjoy our kitchen crazy and our baked goods!

Love from,

The College Kitchenettes